In Math's we have been learning about different things we were told to make a blog post of what we have been doing. I'm going to be talking bout two things we have been learning this year. first problem:
It’s 5km from Jordan’s whare to where his Koro lives. It’s uphill on the way there so he can only cycle at 10kph but he can do 20kph on the way back.Jordan leaves his whare at 6pm. How long can he stop at his Koro’s whare if he wants to be back home for his favourite TV programme at 7pm?
If he was going 10kph and his Koro lives 5km away then it would take him 30 mins to get there. He will be able to stay there for 15 mins because he will be able to go twice as fast. On the way back and it will take him 15 mins. so it would take him 30 mins to get there 15 mins watching TV 15 mins on the way back which end up being a total of 1 hour.
Second Problem We Have Been Learning:
Louise just purchased a penny-farthing bicycle. She wants to take it on a 3 kilometre ride.The front wheel on the penny-farthing bicycle has a Diameter of 70 cm. The back wheel on the cycle has a 15 cm diameter. Would the large or the small tyre get more wear and tear on a long journey?
In this one we thought logically because if you think about the smaller wheel will be taking more weight and will be harder than the big wheel. The big wheel is at the front which there's no as much weight then the back and the small wheel on any bike would take more wear in tear depending on what age/weight the best is. Like for example when your young you don't have as much weight compared to a 30 year old. So logically the small tyer will take more wear and tear.