The Dropping Pins Experiment:
Aim: To Observe Conducting along a metal rod.
1. Set up and light a Bunsen burner.
2. smear a small amount of petroleum jelly on to the head of each drawing pin.
3. Attach the drawing pins at even intervals along the length of the metal rod.
4. Clamps one end of the metal rod to a retort stand.
5. Position the retort stand so the unclamped end of the metal rod is in the Bunsen burner.
6. Record the time it takes for each pin to drop in the table below
These are the results
Discussion: When we heated one side of the metal it started vibrating along the ling of pins. The Vibrating was coming from the strong particals that are along the line of pins. Which transferred all the way to the end which made all of the pins fall down.