
Monday, March 11, 2019


Today Period 3 we watched a play called The Taming If The Shrew. t started off good because they were energetic and funny.

What I like
I really like who they used up all of the space and choose to engage with the audience.
I like how they were realatable with this year generation.
I like how if they didn't get changed well or quick enough they would bring it into the play and act like it was meant to happen.

What I don't Like
I didn't like how they were so loud like I know you have to be loud but in my option they were a but to loud.
I didn't like when they kissed like i don't care but it was a bit gross for me to be honest.

For example it was weird for me because I didn't think they were gonna do it and because it not the normal for me to see to be honest.
Image result for the ugly shakespeare companyImage result for the ugly shakespeare company

Image result for the ugly shakespeare company

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the kissing was uncomfortable for some in the audience. What do you thik we learn from the play about relationships?


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