
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Lawer's paragraph: Technology

Technology has changed throughout the years and has made a big impact and help to the world. It matters because if the evolution of technology didn’t happen or upgrade normal tasks will take forever to complete. For example farming, farming nowadays takes barely any time because of the big machinery/technology that is made. Back in the day farmers were forced to do everything by hand since there was nothing made. Another thing is phones back in the day phones ended up taking so long to charge and was super heavy. Nowadays phones aren’t as heavy and can take less than an hour to charge. One last point is transport, back in the day’s people used to have to walk everywhere or ride on horse’s which isn’t the best for them. Horses take a lot to look after and with them walking hours and hours every day it would just completely exhaust them. Now we have cars, planes and etc, which makes it easier to get around. It helps nowadays to have cars, planes and so on because it helps people get places faster and is very reliable. These three things help society nowadays because technology now is more reliable and more trustworthy compared to technology back in the day. All technologies listed have improved and impacted our lives without us even releasing. If they weren't invented life tasks would take forever to accomplish.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kayla, I like your work about how technology has changed over time. I like how you talked about three very different points that have helped changed human technology. Next time maybe detail your points a bit more as everything was briefly explained and talked about. Other than that you did really well, considering that we had a vague topic.


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