
Monday, June 17, 2019

Science: Animal Kingdom:


Fish (31 000 Species)

-Lives in water 

- Fish Breathe Gills

- Fish are Cold Blooded

Image result for weird fish
E.g Salpa Maggiore

(1700 Species)

- Lays their eggs in water
-Larvae breathe with grills
-Adults live on land

E.g axolotl   Image result for axoloti


- Dry,scale skin
- Lays eggs
-cold blooded

E.g Bearded dragon or water dragons   Image result for bearded dragon


-Covered in feathers
- Lays eggs with hard shells
- Warm Blooded

E.g bengal florican
Image result for bengal florican


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Drama: Cats


In drama we have been making costumes for the play cats. We were asked to make three posters i'm going to link them poster below. So the first week we started with planing which will be in poster one. then we planed out how our character is going to look like which will be on poster 2. The on poster 3 will have the journey of making the costume and having it on with the makeup.

Poster 1.

Poster 2

Poster 3

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Hunt For The Wilderpeople.


At the moment in English I am learning to write a 5 paragraph essay  about the film " Hunt For Wilderpeople". I think the hardest part while writing an essay was starting it. I'm glad that our teacher gave us some examples of great introduction. I think I did well with the amount of time I had because I was a week late and got my essay done in like 4 periods.