
Monday, May 22, 2017

Explanation/All The Spheres: (DRAFT)


This Explanation is about the four sphere Geosphere,Atmosphere,Biosphere and Hydrosphere. Geosphere is all about dirt,rocks and mountains around the earth. Atmosphere is all about the layers in space here are them now Exosphere,Thermosphere,mesosphere,Stratosphere and Troposphere they are the layers of space. Atmosphere contains mostly gas and air. Biosphere is all  living things like plants,people,animals,grass and things that grow. Hydrosphere is all of the water in the earth and the water in the earth goes in a cycle.It can be the water in the clouds and in the sea.


Geosphere is all about dirt,Mountain,Plates,rocks and volcanoes. If a plate in going really fast they can crash together and form a volcano. Geosphere makes that earth with the Inner core,outer core,mantle and the crust.The crust is us people,animals and plants. The mantle is the largest layer of Geosphere it is filled with hot rocks.The outer core is lava and it is really hot. The plates can make a earthquake happen if one plate is going faster than the other. If we didn't have Geosphere we Wouldn't have Biosphere because you need dirt to plant things and we will not have food.


Atmosphere is filled with other spheres they are Exosphere,Thermosphere,Mesosphere,Stratosphere and Troposphere. They all do different thing like Exosphere filled with very thin air so if you went there you would have trouble breathing. Thermosphere is a very hot place and it is 400 miles from the earth surface. Mesosphere can go up 50 miles from the earth surface that is not very high but its long.Stratosphere is were air planes fly up in the sky. Troposphere is the coldest spot it is very cold. Atmosphere means Air in Greek witch is funny because most of Atmosphere is air and gas. 


Biosphere contains all living things like People,animals and plants. 

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