On Tuesday 3 year 7 classes 7LD 7TZ and 7SH watch a movie called lorax because Lorax has something to do with our kete next term.It has to do with something we are learning because the Teachers would not just put a movie on to watch.
1. What was the message in the movie?
The message in the movie is you have to think before you say/do because if you cut all of the trees human cant breath and every animal will have to move to another place.The most important is to make sure you tell/ask if it alright to cut the trees down.
2. The best part was when ted got scared because he woke up and Lorax was right beside him.Why I like that part was because it was funny to see he got scared then Lorax was looking at him like why are you screaming.
3. I could ask the government to help the problem in the would such as rubbish in the sea.How I would help is making all plastics stuff into reusable things.Also how I would help is making rubbish/plastic bins everywhere for people to use.

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