
Thursday, March 1, 2018

KETE 2018

KETE 2018!

For Kete we got asked to make any type of Poster, Google Slide and more to show why Hornby High is a great school and that everyone should go to. So what I have done is made a Pictochart to explain to the audience like you to see if this is good. If you where a parent and would this persuade you to
enroll you child?. As you can see I have talked about Sports, Subjects, Uniform and more. There is also the C.A.R.R values also Hornby High goes to year 7 and finishes at year 13.  As you can see in the Poster there is a lot of fun cool things at Hornby High so you should enroll you child now. What I have learnt during this past week that there is a lot of past History about this school. Also that there is a lot of fun cool things you can get into being here for free like Netball you can ask the Sports Teacher to set something up and she will like Gymnastics and more.  The meaning of community is a group of people coming together to make a whole, also Hornby High shows they are a community by sticking up for each other and being there for everyone.

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