
Monday, July 2, 2018

What I liked about this term:

I am here to tell you what I liked about this term I am going to be using Who,What,How,Where and Why so lets get started.

The first thing/only thing I liked about this term is the quiz. Who- Mr T gave us weekly quiz on Friday we where to answer the quiz then show him. What- what I like about that is that after we showed him he would then tell us what place we came if we came in the top 3 then at morning tea time he would give us something from the diary.How-He would got to a website and then tell us to answer the question. Where- After hui we would all get our Chromebooks out at the same time so it is fair then go as fast as we can to answer them. Why- Well I don't really know why but I think it is to make the kid/our class to have fun because like we are the best class.

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