
Monday, August 6, 2018


I'm here today to show you how to make a great blog comment.I was told to watch a video that explained how to make a great comment, Here is the video you can read this and then watch the video you choose.

Lets start off with how you are going to start this conversation/comment. You will always want to start off with hi then the blogger's name for example we are going to say our blogger name is john you would say "Hi John it's Kayla here". It depends who you are talking to because it will not always be the same name.

Second step is to write something you liked about the blog post and make it very detail but also straight to the point. Because you don't want to make something that can be short put into a long paragraph.

The next thing is that you want to make a positive sentence saying like "I love how you have put so much detail to your work" Something like that so it can make the blogger happy about what they a posted. 

The last and final thing is to ask a question or something helpful. For example you could say "I love your work but you might want to add some more detail" But you would say it in a nice way. If you said it in a demanding way then it will sound like your mean when you just trying to be helpful.

Thank you guys for reading this hopefully this help thank you.

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Please structure your comments as follows:
Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
Helpful - Give some ideas for next time or Ask a question you want to know more about

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