
Monday, June 29, 2020

English:Hunger Games Scenes


What Happening- Reaping scene - 2 tributes selected to compete in the Hunger Games
-Best dressed

Describe Costumes- Light colors, neutral tones, old fashioned, simple
formal/Sunday best
Boys-  dress shirt,pants or shorts
Girls-  Hair tidy, dresses or skirts.
Colors- cold,clean,faded- washed and warn a lot.
-Older clothes mended

Effect on viewer- Think they poor because clothes are outdated.
- peacekeepers/effie in new clean outfits.
- think it is a bad living- emotionless, all the colour has been drained.

Directors Purpose- show the comparison/juxtaposed of the district + the capitol.
- shows theme "Rich vs Poor" because district doesn't have access to resources with new clothing.

Other Technique- Make-up- style=status, effies eye lashes are long + pink and her face is white. "The district has no make-up access or need for it.

(S) In the reaping scene,costume is used effectively to show the theme "Rich vs Poor". For example, the potential tributes are dressed in formal shorts,shirts and trousers. (E) Their clothes are well-warm, weathered and dull. (X) This makes us understand how the people in district 12 are poor because their best clothes are old and faded compared to the capitol Representative Effie Trinket. (X) This is done to show juxtaposed between the extreme wealth of the capitol and the poverty of those in district 12. (X) This worked with with the use of make-up is shown by Effie. She has lots of make-up on including long pink eyelashes, an extremely white foundation and pink and gold lips. This tells the viewers that she is wealthy because she can afford extravagant make-up when those in the district can barely afford clothes. This aspect can be compared to the scene when the tributes arrived off the train in the capitol. Here we see luxury and excess wealth in the costumes of the capitol citizens compared to the rags warn by Peeta and Katniss

What happening- In the capitol, Katniss and Peeta just getting off the train, Has never been there before.

Describe Costumes- Bright,colorful,neon,extravagant,vibrant,oversize
- look expensive and more fancy then casual. 
- Over the top- excessive, more than needed to be practical 
-   head pieces to match,wigs
- both genders over the top outfits/wigs/make-up

Effects on viewer- thinks they are rich/greed- have more than us 
- think/feel -fashion is shocking/scary to viewer-in your face
-shows us how shocked/different things are for Katniss+Peeta

Directors Purpose- Again shows us theme "Rich vs Poor"- the people in capitol live in extreme ways compared to the poverty of district 12.
- people in the capitol have everything
Make-up- over the top- caked on so we know they have lots of it- Men and Women are both wearing it. 

Setting- Concrete,metal,glass,crisp,futuristic,clean,technologically advance

Whats happening- In the arena of the Hunger Games

Describe Costumes- Practical- suitable for fighting 
-Jackets,boots,shirts,long pants.
- colors that will match the surroundings and help them hide
- tells us about the climate in the arena 
- not going far as not much

Effect on Viewer-  Feels like they are directed for war/hunting- all dressed same uniform
- All look same-everyone has the same advantage 
- makes us less emotionally attached to individuals

Directors Purpose- 
- "Rich vs Poor'- Everyone is finally equal so personal skills become important.
- "Struggle and Power' - Tributes are under the power of the Capitol,they have no freedom/free will at this point.

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