
Thursday, July 2, 2020

The Hunger Games- Music workshop


Major- Upbeat,happy music tone
Minor-  Sad tone


Fast- Energetic, intense, gain interest,
Slow- bored, lazy, lethargic,


Loud- Energy, intense, rising action,
Quite- background, make you focus/listen, builds tension

Diagetic Sound-  Sounds that happen naturally e.g footsteps

Non-Diagetic Sound- Sounds added to a scene-music

first soundtrack scene- Minor,Slow,Loud

What scene? Opening scene

Techniques- Minor chords- tired slow tempo
gains volume- builds intensity
non-diagetic sound

Audience- sad scene, foreshadowing, interested.

Directors purpose- build emotion/atmosphere

Soundtrack scene 2- Minor,fast,loud

What scene? Reaping scene-music starts as Katniss walks to the stage

Techniques-  Minor chords, slow tempo, dynamics- gains volume, then drops, then builds

Audience-  emotional, eery, ominous, melancholic

Directors-  Foreshadowing, sadness, Katniss has just volunteered, will most likely be eliminated.
Lets us feel Katniss emotions on personal level.

Soundtrack scene 3- Minor,Slow,Quite,Non-diagetic sound

What scene? Rue's Farewell-Rue is killed, Katniss prepares her body- by surrounding rue with flowers.

Techniques- Minor chord, Slow to medium tempo, Dynamics- builds to forte, builds with katniss's emotion.

Audience- Katniss grief, sorrow, misery, anger at the death of her friend.

Directors purpose- Make us feel katniss's emotion, more intense than if we heard her scream, makes us feel more. Uses to tell us the pain she feels.

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