
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Class Treaty Reflection

 Class Treaty Reflection:

This term in Social Studies we have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi and how it was important.
So we set out a mission for us as a class to make our own treaty and have rules that are fair for everyone involved. We first set off in 3 groups to make our own rules. After listing all the rules in our mini groups we then formed all together to agree on what rules we should make official on our treaty. At first it was a bit crazy and loud with everyone talking over each other so we had to make a plan. We came up with the idea of having a leader and 1 person from each group going over by them self and choice which rules to use or not. After the leaders were done they come over to the rest of the class to see if everyone agreed to the rules. I feel like making this treaty was hard at first but after making a plan it was really easy and i'm happy everyone agreed and was fine with the rules. 

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