
Friday, February 12, 2021

Section Summary:

Text Title: Boogie 

Text Type: Movie/Film Trailer 

Boogie Trailer Link

Text Creator: Eddie Huang 

Text Purpose: To understand racism is happening and really needs to stop.

Date: 19 h of February 2021

Matrix Question: What is the text about? How do we know 

Statement: In the film Boogie directed by Eddie Huang it suggests and is based around racism and how it can effect peoples life's. it also touches on how just because of your race you cant have the same opportunities than others.  

In the trailer you can see a young Asian boy wanting to pursue his dreams of becoming a basketball player but because of his race a lot of people choose not to let him play. Even coaches are being stereotypes and not letting him join its in my opinion idiotic. Racism is still a problem in today's world and it really needs to stop. I breaks my heart seeing people with colour or a different race being treated differently. This movie really shows racism because you can see a young boy just wanting to become an athlete but is being stopped because of something he cant change.

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