
Friday, March 4, 2022

Reflection of my Time Management: Art

 Art: In art we have been given little do now tasks in which will help us start to get an idea of shading/shadowing and different colours in which we can make that will represent and go well with our Kaupapa. 

Task one: We were asked to paint a piece of paper black we were then asked to draw an image that relates to our Kaupapa mine being the environment and the problems that happen within it. Then we would paint white on the lines in which light would hit and then leave or lightly put white on the areas were shadows are created.  We were asked to make two but unfortunately I have only completed one. As we speak I am finishing mt second and final one. With my first one as its my first time painting and creating shadowing it doesn't look the best. I hope over time I can perfect or get better are this. 

Second Task: In this second task we were asked to make a colour pallet of different colours that we think would relate to our Kaupapa. I have made a group of different colours I think I'd need when I start my portfolio. As you can see in the image below I have made up different types of natural/earth colours as that is what my Kaupapa is about. 

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