In the first scene, the director uses Jump cuts together with music.
Straight away in the film we see editing used as they make clips short to enable a jump cut effect. An example of this is when Pat, the main character, is talking to himself. After the little self chat with himself it cuts to shots showing his room to then shots of him lining up taking medicine to then spitting the pill out. Moving on to the music, throughout the starting scene it is very dissonant. When Pat would talk or others around him would talk the music would still be on creating a chaotic situation.
An example of this is when Pat and Dan were in the circle at the ward talking to everyone about their issues/ opinions.
This was done by the director to allow a sense of fast pace and hopefully allow the viewers to have a better understanding of what the character is like and how the movie is going to be like too. This also sets a better understanding/ back story to kinda why he was in a hospital for 8 months by the way he acts and how chaotic everything is.
This makes the audience a sense of uneasiness and overall overwhelmed by the whole situation. This also makes us understand a little of what goes on in pat “the main characters” head and how he expresses and deals with day to day things.
These aspects work well with the characters as they are the main focus and reason on why music and jump cuts are used or the way they are . This is important because it allows the viewer to be more invested into the character alone and wanting more each scene they watch as the movie is pretty unpredictable the whole way through.
Kia ora Kayla
ReplyDeleteWell done on your paragraph! I think you selected two great aspects which allow you to analyse the meaning and effect in depth. Your evidence is really detailed and allows me to picture exactly what is going on in the scene.
My advice is to avoid words like 'kinda' and 'pretty' as these come across as a bit informal. Be firm in your opinions -- you are the expert! :)
"These aspects work well with the characters as they are the main focus and reason on why music and jump cuts are used or the way they are" -- what do you mean by this? Perhaps explain a bit more and remember to keep in mind that you are writing for an audience who has not seen the film.
Awesome! Ka rawe!! :)