
Monday, November 27, 2017

A sad evening

A sad evening:

Shawn and Flesha were just doing their daily things in till the kids get home.They would just sit there looking at the ocean from the window in  there lovely bright green and white  house  on the beach. Luckily it was nice and sunny day with a bright blue sky because the view is better in the light then the dark. It was only an hour left till the kids would get back from school.

Shawn Mendes Is the 40 year old dad He loves to be a workout teacher but today he wanted to take a day off. He also loves to workout and flex a lot he is also very sunburn because he is outside all the time for his work. He took a day off because his family where going on a trip to a Halloween party.  But Where it was located was way too far for them so they decided to leave as soon as the kids got home from school. Flesha Is the lovely mother of the family and Is trying to wait patiently for the kids the come home. Flesha loves to cook for a living and is trying to open her own cooking show,she is also 40 years old and wrinkly. Finally the kids were home Jeff walk in then Bob.

Jeff Is 14 years old he is a High school student that's hates school. Everyday he try’s to be sick so he won’t have to go to school. But he is also very pail because he wants to just stay inside and do nothing but play video games. Bob is the perfect one in the family he is 10 years old and wants everything he’s dose to be the best he can do he also has brown hair like the rest of his family. He's the opposite to his brother because Bob loves school and Jeff doesn't.

Bob Hugged Shawn and Flesha then went up to do his homework  and get ready for the Halloween party. While that was happening Jeff drop his bag and said “Shawn Flesha I need to tell you something important”. They replied “Sure”. Jeff was nervous so he just went and said it so quick they couldn’t understand what he said. He said “I dropped out of school, today was my last day”.  Shawn and Flesha didn’t know what to do so they decided to Ground him from any devices and he had to stay in his room till they knew what to do.About 1 day later they decided on what they were gonna do.

Shawn and Flesha yelled “Jeff get here We need to talk to you!!!”. Shawn,Flesha and Bob were mad because they couldn’t go to the party last night because of  Jeff. Jeff walked out happy because he didn’t have to go to school well he thinks that. Shawn said to “Jeff if you don’t want to go to school then you would have to clean dirty toilets for a living”. Jeff said”no no please no!!”. Jeff learnt to go to school and be able to have a better job than cleaning toilets.



Monday, November 20, 2017

Arts Kete

The animal for lion king  I want to be is a zebra.I kinda want the zebra to look like this.   Image result for zebra costume
I would like my character  to be sassy.My name is sassy kayla.

Today in arts kete we started with a warm up like stretching.We also did a danceing warm up to good felling. After that we did some lyric reading of all of the songs.

Cant wait to be king song     Circle of life    Hukuna matata

After that we also did some scripped reading. Also for the dancer in the group we are learning this dance.  Dance routine

Friday, November 17, 2017

Young Leaders Day

On Wednesday the 15 of November 10 students from Hornby High were choose to go on a trip to Christ's College I was one of the lucky student to go.  We went in a van with the lovely Miss Tozer It took about 20 or so minutes to get there. We where finally there when we hopped out of the van all we could see is buildings that looked like they were from the hobbit.We didn't know till we got there that It was a all boy school. We walked in where they have there assembly and got name tags that had your name on it and also the name of your group. all of our Hornby High students where mixed up only a couple were together. We then were given a bag fill of things like A bottle of water,yo yo,note book,dream big card and a booklet of what we are doing for the afternoon. We then were able to get a seat and sit down. Cam Colkoen came up to speak to everyone he is a very inspirational  guy he was talking about if you dream big there is more chances you will succeed that dream. Also he was talking about take every opportunity and don't worry about what people think just be you. After about half an hour of talking we were in our groups In the first activity I did We had to make a figure eight shape and move around in that same shape while still holding hand with each other. After about an hour of that we moved on to the next activity we went back to the same place we were when it started.This group called attitude were talking to us and figuring out what type of animal we act like and I was a Golden Retriever that is a person/animal that act nice and is warm hearten. The most awesome part of this afternoon was the group attitude  talking to us because they were just funny people. The one thing I took away from this is to not care what people think and just be me. one thing that I've learnt about me is that I need to try and be less shy. This was a amazing afternoon because I have learnt to not care what people think.

   Inline image 1

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Arts Kete

Today in Arts Kete we did some voice warm ups like vo vo vo, ve ve ve, va va va  and more things like  that. We also did so more warm ups like dancing.We also did more voice warm up like mini mini ma mini mini ma mini mini ma ma ma ma ma.

The song that we are learning right now is Circle of life
The Song

Image result for dancing lion king

Monday, November 13, 2017

Arts Kete/musical theater

Today was my first time in Musical Theater We walked in and  started doing warm ups like stretching  and being able to listen properly. We also  did some dancing warm up. We did some vocal warm ups and more.The main thing we were looking for is if we can listen and work as a team.  Image result for thriller

We were dancing to thriller.
The best part of today was dancing because I love dancing.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Holiday Writing

New Trampoline:
It was a cloudy rainy day but it eventually stopped raining then my Dad decided he wanted to go to the shops. We hopped in the small grey car then we were off to the shop, specifically The Warehouse. I also wanted to go there because since it was raining and I had to stay inside and do nothing  I had an urge to get lego set but I’m not so sure why I wanted a lego set so bad.

We ran inside The Warehouse because it was raining and very cold. But when we walked in there was a wave of hot air coming from the heat pump. I was allowed to spend  10 dollars  I looked all around to try and find lego set of a car. 5 minutes later I found them but they were all 20 dollars or more and I only had 10 dollars.I went back to my dad because my Dad, Mum and brother Cameron were looking for other things like buckets. I’m not so sure why they were looking for that.

I went back and they had no luck at all trying to find  buckets because they looked in the wrong place so my Dad and I went to find buckets and a lego set of a car together since I could not find any.I asked my dad why we needed buckets and he said “We need the to put some plants to put outside to make it look pretty”. We looked all over for a lego sets there were none that were in my price range. Then we went on the hunt to find some buckets. We eventually found some but they only had green and yellow when we wanted all types of colors buckets so it will be more amazing around the house..

After 10 to 15 minutes of searching for a lego set and buckets My mum came walking over from trying to find things that my brother Cameron needed like T-Shirts and more. She said ”Did you find a lego set or buckets?”I told her that there were none in my
price range and that they only had two colors of buckets.  We then started to head our way out in till I saw Cameron rolling a huge box that contained a 12ft trampoline in it. I was shocked with joy it was like my dream came true.I said to Mum is that for me?? Mum  said “Yes” I was also wondering if I was able to have it now or have to wait till XMas. So I said  “I get to play on it now or XMas?” Mum said “Now.” I was so happy I started crying tears of joy I hugged Mum and said a big thank you to my Brother. I also ask who brought it Mum said Cameron and me, I was so excited. After that Cameron then went to put it into the grey small car and once it was put in the grey car, I said dibs sitting next to it, I was just so excited.

I wanted to set it up now but it was raining so bad I sadly couldn't. We made it home it was a long yet exciting ride back Cameron and Eli my other brother then started to put the heavy trampoline in the garage. But I had to wait when it’s not raining to then put it up but about 2 days after it was  ready to play on. I was so excited when it was up it had a black mat with the blue spring cover  to help you from not getting you long hair caught on it or leg or anything like that. It had a net that was black and the zipper was yellow. It was a hard work to put it up also it took a long long time too.I’m not sure why I’m saying it was hard work because I didn’t set it up it was my brothers Eli and Cameron. Anyways I’m so excited to be able to jump on it now.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Poem Guess what I am???

This is a guess what I am poem if you know what it is then comment what you think it is.


Unicorns In the sky Unicorns Pink and bright.
Uni horn is on top of their fluffy pink head.
Uni Corn is there favourite thing but most important is there pink fluffy bed.

Summer is the best season for me.
Yummer than the icy breeze.

Don’t forget the cheese.

lately we have been learning how to do lots of different poems

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


In Gymnastics today I was learning how to land my round off without slipping my leg off.I also learned how to spin in a circle on the tramp I'm also am sad that we have to finish with Gymnastics for the year.  

Monday, September 25, 2017

Lorax Movie:

On Tuesday 3 year 7 classes 7LD 7TZ and 7SH watch a movie called lorax because Lorax has something to do with our kete next term.It has to do with something we are learning because the Teachers would not just put a movie on to watch.

1. What was the message in the movie?
The message in the movie is you have to think before you say/do because if you cut all of the trees human cant breath and every animal will have to move to another place.The most important is to make sure you tell/ask if it alright to cut the trees down.

2. The best part was when ted got scared because he woke up and  Lorax was right beside him.Why I like that part was because  it was funny to see he got scared then Lorax was looking at him like why are you screaming.

3. I could ask the government to help the problem in the would such as rubbish in the sea.How I would help is making all plastics stuff into reusable things.Also how I would  help is making rubbish/plastic bins everywhere for people to use. 

Image result for lorax

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Today at Gymnastics we:Were able to have 10 minutes on one thing like I was on beam and floor Mr Hilliard was teaching me how to do a cartwheel on the beam and on the floor He teaching me the proper way to do a cartwheel.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


I learnt  how to get up on the bars and we learnt how to jump on the tramp and go bum to legs to bum and then we went and did it at the same time.My favorite thing we did was go on the tramp and jump as high as I could.I wish next time we will be able to do more tricks on the tramp. Image result for gymnastics

Tuesday, September 5, 2017



I like Gymnastics because you can learn new tricks and I have been teaching myself some tricks.I just have a passion for it.

1. Back flip
2.Back handspring

I really enjoyed today class because we did spins we did a full and a half spin and we walk along the bean with our eyes closed and we jumped over a cone on the bean.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Letter to Zoo Fari

Kayla Gadsby   
180 Waterloo Road

Friday 11 August

Warehouse  Zoofari
793 Mcleans Island Rd, Mcleans Island

Dear Warehouse Zoofari,

Thank you for letting Hornby High go to Orana Wildlife Park to  see all types of amazing animals.We enjoyed hearing about all the amazing facts that we didn’t know about the animals. Everyone enjoyed seeing all of the animals and hearing Orana park tell us some things that  we didn’t know. It was a amazing day because you allowed Hornby High to go to Orana Wildlife Park. So, thank you very much we wouldn’t of known all of these interesting fact about animals if it wasn’t to the Warehouse Zoofari for taking Hornby High to Orana Wildlife park. So on behalf of Hornby High, I would like to thank you
for taking the year 7s/8s to Orana Wildlife park.

Orana park also told us a lot of amazing facts like how a giraffe has 7 bones in their neck. Shark’s teeth always grow back, they never have a missing tooth. A kiwi can lay an egg the same size that ewes egg are. If it wasn’t for you the Warehouse Zoofari I would not have learnt this and would have never known that. I did not know what (HIPPO) stands for H-habitat loss I-invasive P-pollution Human P-Population O-over-harvesting. Thank you for funding Hornby High to come and see Orana Wildlife Park or we will have not known about all of these facts.

The three things I really enjoyed was learning lot of new and amazing fact about animals. I also enjoyed how you funded us to go to Orana Wildlife Park. Another things is that if the Warehouse Zoofari did not fund us to come to Orana Wildlife Park we will not know all the fact we know now.Last thing is you could let the year 7s and 8s together for a trip. Once again I would like to thank the Warehouse Zoofari  for a great trip and hope that I can come and visit again.

Your Sincerely

Kayla Gadsby - 7SH.

Letter to Orana Wildlife Park

180 Waterloo Road

Friday 11 August

Orana Wildlife Park
793 Mcleans Island  Road

Dear Sarah,

Thank you for taking time away from your job to take Hornby High around Orana Wildlife Park to  see all types of amazing animals.We enjoyed hearing about all the amazing facts that we didn’t know about the animals. Everyone enjoyed seeing all of the animals and hearing you tell us some things that  they like to eat and what the animals like doing. It was a great time for everyone seeing the animals you would not normally see outside your house and to be so close. It was a amazing day because you allowed Hornby High to take pictures off their phones of  the animals. So, thank you very much we wouldn’t of known all of these interesting fact about animals if it wasn’t to you so on behalf of Hornby High, I would like to thank you
for taking time away from your job to show us around.

Sarah also told us a lot of amazing facts like how a giraffe has 7 bones in their neck. Shark’s teeth always grow back, they never have a missing tooth. A kiwi can lay an egg the same size that ewes egg are. If it wasn’t for you I would not have learnt this and would have never known that. I did not know what (HIPPO) stands for H-habitat loss I-invasive P-pollution Human P-Population O-over-harvesting. Thank you for teaching us facts about the animals we did not know, if it wasn’t for you.

The three things I really enjoyed was learning lot of new and amazing fact about animals. I also enjoyed how you took us around and showed us all of the animal, telling us their names, what they like to eat and like to do. The last thing I enjoyed was that you took time out of your job to show us around. That was some of the things I enjoyed about  Orana Park. Once again I would like to thank you for a great trip and hope that I can come and visit again.

Your Sincerely

Kayla Gadsby - 7SH.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Kayla Gadsby
180 Waterloo Road    
Friday.   30.   2017.   

Mrs Shehata
180 Waterloo Road
Friday.   30.   2017.   

Mrs Whea Mel
180 Waterloo Road
Friday.   30.   2017.   

Miss Tozer
180 Waterloo Road
Friday.   30.   2017.   

Dear Mrs Shehata,Whea Mel and Miss Tozer

I am writing this because I believe that we should have GoNoodle every day because everyone loves it. I am going to explain some reason why we should have Gonoodle every day.  The first reason why is because it can be played by anyone no age limit. Second reason why is because when it is winter it can get really cold outside. The last reason why is that you don’t have to go to the gym and wasted time and money. I will now explain all of these reasons in greater detail.

The first reason why is because it would be great thing for everyone. When you first play it is enjoyable for anyone and any age. You can even play when you are 80 it doesn't matter because you can play it at any age.You could even play it when your three years old. It is also family friendly. Everyone will enjoy GoNoodle some of them are funny too. It gets your blood going through your body and it gets your heart racing and  can keep you in shape and motivated for the day.

The second reason why is what if it was snowing and you had to do fitness or exercise outside if you had Gonoodle you could do fitness inside were it is warm.GoNoodle is an inside and outside  thing so that means you can do it whenever. You can do it at night or day any time any where it could even be in your lounge or even outside it doesn't matter. It is fitness and you could have a awesome time while doing GoNoodle.

The last reason why is fitness for everyone if you want to get in shape and you don't want to go to a gym then just play GoNoodle. If you go the Gym then you wasting time and money every day but if you play GoNoodle then you won’t have to pay and  you not wasting time. If you do at less one a day every day you will be in shape and fit ready. This is a great thing to do if you want to get in shape and  it also just takes 4 minutes or 5 minutes of your day/time.

This has been my writing about if we could have GoNoodle everyday here are the reasons I used in my persuasive writing. 1st reason is that it would be great for any age the 2nd reason why is that it could be cold or snowing and we would be doing fitness outside. The 3rd and last reason is that it can get you in shape and you won’t have to go to the gym to waste time and money. This has been my writing of that we should have GoNoodle  everyday.

Your sincerely: Kayla

Here is my writing.This term we have been learning to write persuasive writing and letters.we have been learning to write persuasive text we also have been learning to write a proper letter.


Monday, July 24, 2017

Graduate Profile

1. I listen to peoples idea and opinions
2. I ask questions.

T3  Review

I listen to peoples idea and opinions= I have done great because when people would be telling me a story ill be just sitting there listening.
To ask questions=I have done alright but I need to ask more to get a better answer of a question .

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Business & Enterprise

(Draft) Planning:
Before we started getting in a group, we were talking about if we would be in the food, gift, beauty etc categories. In our group is Alesha, Summer, Kortney and Kayla. We then thought of ideas of what to do.Our group knew that we were going to do something to do with food. When we were in the food group we then got paper to plan what we are doing.After a lot thought we choose to do Snow cones,Ice creams and a game. We then thought of a name of the company and game that is (Icier Is Nicier) and (Penguin Pong). After that we thought of what we would need to do all of this.

Making poster and other things:

It was time to make the posters get all of the things and make the big poster to hang at the stand.We used colored paper to  make poster. We kept making our logo on paper.Then we went out to hang these posters on windows and around the school so everyone can see them. We then sorted our game prizes and how it’s going to work. There have been some ups and downs, but when it came to the end, we have sorted it all out.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Kete/4 Sphere

 Term 1 we have been learning about the 4 spheres. Geosphere is all about the dirt and rocks. Hydrosphere is all about the water on earth. Biosphere is all living things. Atmosphere is all about space and there sphere in space.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Soft Materials

Today in Soft Materials we have been doing paper work to see what our bag will look like. We also stitched the edge of each fabric. We match the string to the  color of the bag. There were 4 thing I needed to sew on.Me and my Partner had turns at sewing.We did the zig zag because it can help to not fall apart.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Soft Materials

Today in Soft Materials my buddy and I set up everything to the sewing machine. we tested it on test material and we got it perfect on the first go.We also painted this ink paint.We were told to paint the ink on 3 materials we used stencils that has a drawings on it.We painted on the drawing on to the 3 materials.We did also applique the  fabric and also did some sewing on that fabric that we just iron.

May 24, 2017 1:22:11 PM.jpg May 24, 2017 1:26:13 PM.jpg   May 24, 2017 1:27:07 PM.jpg

May 24, 2017 2:31:34 PM.jpg

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017


We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.  

Monday, May 22, 2017

Explanation/All The Spheres: (DRAFT)


This Explanation is about the four sphere Geosphere,Atmosphere,Biosphere and Hydrosphere. Geosphere is all about dirt,rocks and mountains around the earth. Atmosphere is all about the layers in space here are them now Exosphere,Thermosphere,mesosphere,Stratosphere and Troposphere they are the layers of space. Atmosphere contains mostly gas and air. Biosphere is all  living things like plants,people,animals,grass and things that grow. Hydrosphere is all of the water in the earth and the water in the earth goes in a cycle.It can be the water in the clouds and in the sea.


Geosphere is all about dirt,Mountain,Plates,rocks and volcanoes. If a plate in going really fast they can crash together and form a volcano. Geosphere makes that earth with the Inner core,outer core,mantle and the crust.The crust is us people,animals and plants. The mantle is the largest layer of Geosphere it is filled with hot rocks.The outer core is lava and it is really hot. The plates can make a earthquake happen if one plate is going faster than the other. If we didn't have Geosphere we Wouldn't have Biosphere because you need dirt to plant things and we will not have food.


Atmosphere is filled with other spheres they are Exosphere,Thermosphere,Mesosphere,Stratosphere and Troposphere. They all do different thing like Exosphere filled with very thin air so if you went there you would have trouble breathing. Thermosphere is a very hot place and it is 400 miles from the earth surface. Mesosphere can go up 50 miles from the earth surface that is not very high but its long.Stratosphere is were air planes fly up in the sky. Troposphere is the coldest spot it is very cold. Atmosphere means Air in Greek witch is funny because most of Atmosphere is air and gas. 


Biosphere contains all living things like People,animals and plants. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Tech Soft Materials

This week in Soft Materials was to put the cotton throw the sewing machine so we could sew on test fabric.

May 17, 2017 2:19:32 PM.jpg May 17, 2017 2:20:24 PM.jpg

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Teach-Soft materiral

Today We learnt about how to use a sewing machine.How you use it is by pushing the petal  to make the needle to  go through the material and you can move the material to move the needle.

May 10, 2017 2:34:56 PM.jpg
May 10, 2017 2:35:23 PM.jpg

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online. 


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Writing DRAFT

 Having A Enjoyable Time Playing Dodge-ball

The doorbell rang and there she was, Trinity was at my door. We walked out to the tramp and grabbed the ball so we could start playing dodge-ball. Trinity hopped on the tramp and was jumping so I told her if she was ready. I threw the ball and it nearly hit her. I ran to the ball and picked up the ball again and threw it as carefully as I could the ball got her. I had a thrill inside me when the ball hit her as I didn’t think I was that great at aiming. I jumped on the trampoline I was nervous, I was jumping really high so I could not get hit I kept on dodging the ball like a pro. Until something happened.

It was the next turn  I was hoping that I could jump and miss the ball but I was so scared I didn’t  I got hit again. I ran and hurried off really fast and spirited to the ball I threw it at Trinity  but it miss her. I kept trying my hardest to get her it was like ten turns later and I finally got her.I hopped on the tramp and said ‘i’m ready’ she threw the ball and I ran while being on the tramp to dodge the ball. She threw the ball some more times and then the ball hit me.

Trinity hopped on the tramp and I questioned “should we have a drink break” she replied “sure” we went inside to grab a cup of water. 5 minutes later we went back outside to play a delightful game of dodge-ball. We kept on playing it was like 6 o'clock I was trying my hardest playing, we were still playing but it was so dark.  When I was on the trampoline and Trinity was getting me with the ball I could honestly not see her, so when she was throwing the ball I didn’t know where it was coming from. It was like 7:00 P.M. everything was dark At the end to me there was no winners then Trinity had to go home I walk her home. I then ran back to my house to rest for the night.