
Monday, May 23, 2022

Art: Week 4 do now task

 Write a blog post that answer the following questions: 

1) What is oil paint made of?

Oil paint is made up of dry pigment powder and refined linseed oil so basically linseed oil which is then purified. It's then mixed together into a paste which then is milled to allow any clumps to be out.

2) What are three benefits to painting with oil paints?
The first benefit for using oil paint is that there is a wide range of tones in colours that can be made compared to other paints like watercolour etc. The second reason is that there are many ways you can apply the oil paint. You can do thin layers or apply it thick. This is due to oil paint being slow to dry. final reason is the time it takes to dry, although for some it may be annoying It's actually quite helpful for others as they have the chance to take longer and create art with more detail.

3) What are three disadvantages to painting with oil paints?
The first disadvantage is that the oil paint does have an odour that can be quite strong and overpowering. Another reason is the blending capabilities it has, although it takes awhile to dry the consistency of the paint alone and doesn't allow you to blend well at all. Final reason is that oil paint can tend to change colour after time for example every oil painting tends to turn a little yellow after time.

4) Why do you need to prime your surface before painting with oil paints?
Because the oil paint can sink into the canvas which when dried can leave patches of dull paint which won't look pretty in the final overall look.

5) How do you clean up your brushes and equipment after using oil paints?
Since the substance of oil paint is quite thick in a way and glue like it takes a bit to get off of paintbrushes as it is also a little sticky. So a technique to clean your brushes is getting either turpentine, paint thinner mineral spirits etc and soak them in a cup of that substance. Then after a few minutes use your hands or gloves to help massage all the oil paint out. Then most is off to clean the brushes like normal with soapy water. May be a good idea to do this outside as the liquids that help get oil paint off can be quite messy.

6) What is an impasto technique?
The Impasto technique is basically thick layers of quantities of normally oil paint which lead to it standing out from the surface. This is done in small places and not big areas.

7) What is “Imprimatura” or “grisaille” in painting? 
Imprimatura is a thin layer of paint which is normally used as a base. Grisaille is a technique which uses grey tones while painting to then add a glaze over top of it.

8) What interesting facts did you find out about oil painting? 
I found out that oil paint is not easy to get out of paint brushes and that you normally need to use harmful chemicals like turpentine to break the oil paint away from the brushes. 

Tuesday 24 May : 

This relates to the work we did yesterday as we were able to actually use oil paint and create art from what we see outside. I created a leaf but it's not the best looking. It was very strange to use because in my opinion its quite like a water colour and feels the same as when painting.  I do like using oil paint but for next time I'll definitely get a smaller brush. 

English Paragraph:

 English  Practice Paragraph: 

In the first scene, the director uses Jump cuts together with music. 

Straight away in the film we see editing used as they make clips short to enable a jump cut effect. An example of this is when Pat, the main character, is talking to himself. After the little self chat with himself it cuts to shots showing his room to then shots of him lining up taking medicine to then spitting the pill out. Moving on to the music, throughout the starting scene it is very dissonant. When Pat would talk or others around him would talk the music would still be on creating a chaotic situation.

An example of this is when Pat and Dan were in the circle at the ward talking to everyone about their issues/ opinions. 

This was done by the director to allow a sense of fast pace and hopefully allow the viewers to have a better understanding of what the character is like and how the movie is going to be like too. This also sets a better understanding/ back story to kinda why he was in a hospital for 8 months by the way he acts and how chaotic everything is. 

This makes the audience a sense of uneasiness and overall overwhelmed by the whole situation. This also makes us understand a little of what goes on in pat “the main characters” head and how he expresses and deals with day to day things. 

These aspects work well with the characters as they are the main focus and reason on why music and jump cuts are used or the way they are . This is important because it allows the viewer to be more invested into the character alone and wanting more each scene they watch as the movie is pretty unpredictable the whole way through.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Maths: How to label non right angled triangles


Rules on labelling a non right angle triangle.

  • The sides of the triangles must all be labelled with lowercase letters (abc)
  • The angles must be labelled with capital letters (ABC)
  • Where the Capital C is the lowercase c must be opposite
So basically the capital letters are to represent the angles and the lowercase letters go on the opposite side to where the corresponding capital letter is and represent the triangles sides. 

An example of a non right angle triangle labelled. 
As you can see the capital letters are where the angles are. The lowercase letters are on the opposite side to where the capitals are. 

Curious Incident Post Reading *Spoiler alert*

 Curious Incident Book: 

The Ending: 

At the end of the novel, Christopher says:

“And I know I can do this because I went to London on my own, and because I solved the mystery of Who Killed Wellington? and I found my mother and I was brave and I wrote a book and that means I can do anything.”

What were your thoughts after reading the ending? What do you think will happen to Christopher?

I personally felt the ending was great as a reader and felt that it was very intriguing and allowed a sense of hope that there was more. We were definitely left on a cliffhanger as I would personally love to see how more of his life goes and see if the Mum and Dad can fix the issues they had so they can be one happy family again.

I think Christopher after handling such a huge situation in his life will become more confident and able to express him self in better ways instead of violence. I also feel like he will feel as if he is invincible after solving his own mystery and with that invincibility enable himself to have social experiences. I also think Christopher will want to pursue a career as a detective after his thrill of solving his own mystery.

Is it a funny book? 

Right at the beginning of the novel Christopher tells the reader ‘This will not be a funny book’ and yet there were probably lots of places that made you laugh. 

  • What was your favourite funny moment from the novel? 

  • Look at the following statement and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Explain your answer.

Is it a sad book? 

  • Did you find the novel sad? 

In an interview Mark Haddon said: “People have said to me that it’s a desperately sad book and they wept most of the way through it. Other people say it’s charming and they kept laughing all the time. People say it has a sad ending; people say it has a happy ending. Because Christopher doesn’t force the reader to think one thing or another, I get many different reactions.”

  • What do you think Mark Haddon is saying about why there are so many different reactions to the book? What was your response to the book?

Mark Haddon is basically saying there isn't a forcefully sad ending or a forcefully happy ending they made an ending in which can be perceived any way the reader likes. There isn't a right or wrong way to feel about the book overall.

In my opinion there are many happy and sad times throughout the book. One of the sadder times that made me a little dishearten was when Christopher finds out his mum isn't actually dead and his father has been keeping the letters from him. Another one that happens around the same time is here Christopher finds out his father also killed the dog. Both times were sad due to how cruel it was and how Christopher himself reacted to such things too.

A book for adults, children or both? 

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is what is known in the publishing industry as a ‘crossover book’. This means that the publishers decided it would appeal to both children and adults – in this case to teenagers and adults. The book was produced in two different editions, with different covers, one of which was marketed for teenagers and one for adults. (The Harry Potter books were also marketed in this way, as was Philip Pullman’s Northern Lights trilogy.)

  • In what ways do you think the book appeals to teenagers? 

  • In what ways do you think the book appeals to adults?

  • Some people have said that the book is not very suitable for teenagers because it contains a lot of swearing and because it deals with depressing subject matter. Do you agree? Why?

I personally think this appeals to teenagers as Christopher is a teen himself and many readers that a teens can relate to him in a way as he is around the same age.

This appeals to adults as it is a very mature book and isn't for the light hearten it can also relate to adults to as some may be going through an issue similar to the father and mother within this book.

I personally feel this is suitable for teenagers. Just because there are some swear words doesn't mean it's not suitable. Many TV shows, movies etc contain bad words its surrounded by us everyday this doesn't mean it should be used at all but its not going to be any harm when in this book plus you do not need to read them you can skip the bad words and still understand whats going on.

The depressing subject matter is also suitable for teenagers I feel as well as mental health or issues throughout this book as sadly this happens in many teenagers life. It's not good at all that kids should go through some of the stuff they do but it's reality, it happens things happen. It's good to spread awareness in a way to help others go through the same thing or a similar thing that it's ok and they're not alone.

A first person narrator – advantages and disadvantages 

Some of the advantages of writing from the first person point of view are: the reader feels more sympathy with the character who is telling the story, and a first person narrator can make the story seem more realistic. 

The main disadvantages of writing in the first person are: the narrator can only tell the reader about what he or she is aware of or has experienced, and the reader really only gets to know the narrator.

  • Why do you think Mark Haddon chose to write this novel from a first person point of view? 

  • How has he tried to overcome some of the possible disadvantages?

I think Mark Haddon had chosen to write in first person as it allows the reader to feel more connected to the character and how he feels. I think he has tried to overcome the disadvantages by making the other characters feels and emotions more noticeable and allow the reader to also know how they feel. I also feel he has tried to make all the situations with Christopher being there so the reader gets an understanding on how and why the other characters are feeling the way they are. Personally I feel the writer has wrote this book really well and had taken deep thought into things to make the book great.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

English: Dissecting the camera, Sound productions and The Director

 In English we were asked to watch three videos of the follow topics and then write a little but about what we learnt. 

Dissecting the camera: 

Lily Gladstone once said: "A Camera is a collection of parts that can help you tell a visual story. It takes light through a lens and captures images that create illusion of reality we keep talking about"

Fixed focal point is where the point in which a camera can focus is very small being around 35mm length and is known as a prime lens.  Whereas variable focal length is longer being 35-200mm and is known as a zoom lens.

To control the amount of light that comes into a lens/shot you can changes the different speeds of the camera shutter. The camera shutter is kinda like a lens door on a camera that opens fast and slow depending on what you set the speed to.  But the only problem with that is it makes a noise so some directors and film producers wont use this as often. 

Aperture: is a hole withing the camera lens that works like a pupil that can become wider or narrower. Aperture is used to allow more or less light to come through the lens making a shot bright or dark depending on how narrow and wide it is.  The aperture is measured in f-stops, for focal length. it is basically the ratio of the focal point compared to the diameter of the aperture. 

The higher the ISO number the more sensitive light is to a scene. But when turned up all the way in a dark scene to lighten it, it makes the scene look grainy and not clear. So if a scene is too dark just add some more light and keep the ISO number normal to have a clear crisp looking scene. 

Sound production:

There are different microphone cover patterns for different ways of letting sound in. Those microphone patterns being... Omnidirectional  collect any sound that is made all around. Bidirectional collects sound directly infront and behind rejecting all sound coming from the side. Cardioid collects sound that it is directly pointing to plus some from behind. Supercardioid collects sounds/coverstaions between a few people while there in a group so basically is points out two or more voices and picks up on them then the whole group or others talking around them. Hyper-cadioid collects sound just like super-cadioid but mostly collects sound from the person speaking meaning sound is picked up from behind which can be annoying is the crew behind cameras are talking because it might get picked up. Lobar collects sounds from far away for that couple be a police siren etc. 

The Director:

The directors purpose is to give/bring their visual to life in a film. Lilly Gladstone one said an actors job is to bring a character to life. And we need actors to think real thoughts and feel real feelings to make the film relatable and what the directors is visioning.  The director also picks where the actors must stand and how the shot must be places to enable the effect they are wanting to bring to a scene/movie. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Triangle Facts:

 Triangle Facts

  • The sum of all the internal angles of a triangle is always 180o no matter how the triangle is constructed.

  • The length of any side of a triangle is shorter than the sum of the other two sides.

  • A triangle can always be split into two right triangles no matter how the triangle is constructed.

  • Trigonometry study of maths origins date back to the ancient Egyptians. 


Different triangles

Acute triangle

All of the angles are less than 90o.

Obtuse triangle

one of the angles is greater than 90o.

Equilateral triangle

A triangle is called an equilateral triangle when all 3 sides are equal in length. These are normally 60o

Isosceles triangle

A triangle is called an isosceles triangle when two sides are equal in length

Scalene triangle

When all three internal angles are different from one another it is a Scalene Triangle.

Hypotenuse is found by adding a squared and b squared together.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Maths week 7:

 What happens when multiplying by positive and negative numbers?

When multiplying by two positive numbers for example 5x8 = 40 it will end in a positive. If you had one negative number and one positive its will always end in a negative no matter what  for example 7x-3 = -21. That's a maths fact same with multiplying two positives you will always end with a positive number. 

What are indices? 

Indices are the little numbers shown above but next to a number or letter for example "24" 

in this case the 4 within the two numbers is the indices, an indices can also look like the one above but instead the number "2" would be replaced with a letter like "x" and so on. 

When multiplying numbers that have indices involved the one rule to follow is if the indices number is even then the final result will be positive when the indices is odd it will mean the final result would be negative. This rule never changes and will always be used when dealing with indices and having to multiply them together. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

Do now Task week 6 Thursday

Do now Task:

We were asked to make a Sgraffito styled painting, in saying that we were also asked to create an image that related back to our Kaupapa mine being environmentally based. I decided to used a cool blue with a little bit of white to get the perfect/more fitting colour for what I am going to draw. The base colour in this image being white as its the background colour and what the lines of the image is. As it was still wet I started to create an image that was a turtle with plastic wrapped around it. In saying that this task was a little difficult as the paint would dry quicker than I could draw. So there isn't too much detail with the painting alone but is the best I could do with this technique. I not going to lie its really hard to scratch an image as what I used was to blunt. I used the back of a paint brush as I thought it would work better compared to something sharp as that's dangerous. In saying that I am happy with how it turned out as its my first time doing the Sgraffito technique.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Do now task: Week 6

In this do now task we were asked to draw our hand, If you know me I cannot draw hands for the life of me in really good detail. I am no where near a really good artist but I try my best. Within this image I tried my best and gave it a good go I will say I do need to keep practising and continue to progress in my hand drawing ability.  Also as you can see the thumb aspect of the image is terrible and I struggle with defining/drawing in detail it. I hope to also get better at this too. Only time will tell I guess and a lot more practice. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

Reflection of my Time Management: Art

 Art: In art we have been given little do now tasks in which will help us start to get an idea of shading/shadowing and different colours in which we can make that will represent and go well with our Kaupapa. 

Task one: We were asked to paint a piece of paper black we were then asked to draw an image that relates to our Kaupapa mine being the environment and the problems that happen within it. Then we would paint white on the lines in which light would hit and then leave or lightly put white on the areas were shadows are created.  We were asked to make two but unfortunately I have only completed one. As we speak I am finishing mt second and final one. With my first one as its my first time painting and creating shadowing it doesn't look the best. I hope over time I can perfect or get better are this. 

Second Task: In this second task we were asked to make a colour pallet of different colours that we think would relate to our Kaupapa. I have made a group of different colours I think I'd need when I start my portfolio. As you can see in the image below I have made up different types of natural/earth colours as that is what my Kaupapa is about. 

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Week 5 Art Thursday Do now task


  • Frank Auerbach is a well known artist. His artwork is mainly Impasto based and tends to catch the eyes of many people. Within this art work we see a bunch of different dark and dull colours no bright colours to really be seen. Within this art you can see a person how kinda looks like a chef as it looks like they are wearing a apron. With Impasto art it allows the paint to be very thick and the art it self be less detailed but still clear to see whats involved within the art. I would say impasto art is very abstract and the artwork can be cooperated in many different ways.  

Layering In Watercolours: 

William Blake is a famous artist that tends to use watercolours and does it pretty well. As you can see in this painting above he has made a very dramatic piece of artwork. In saying that due to him using watercolour it makes him to be able to layer the paint and make it look very shaded which in a sense allows the artwork to look very realistic and dramatic. 


Sgraffito is a type of art technique which is used in a lot of different styles of art. In saying that Sgraffito is when you paint a normally bright colour or any colour you want the image to be then over top of it you paint black or a darker colour. Then you scratch the lines you want which will hopefully make a image for example a tree you would scratch the out line of a tree and the under colour being the bright one will and should be showing.   

Stitching into artwork: 

This artwork is normally done of fabric but can be done on paper if done in a careful manner. In saying that this type of artwork is very unique to say the less and gives the person looking at it a 3D effect as it looks 3D. In my opinion out of the art technique I have looked at this is by far my favourite. 


Monoprinting is pretty much lino printing in a way. You use ink or paint on blocks that are carved in shapes for example a circle etc then press it on paper. You tend to want to carve out the outline of the image you are creating then leave the rest smooth. For example on this image above you see they have mad waves and stars they would of have to cut out the outline of then and apply paint over the top of the block or thing their using. 



Monday, February 28, 2022

Art Week 5 Do Now : Kaupapa

My Kaupapa is environmental. I have choose this to expand my knowledge on the environment and the problems that occur within it. For example pollution, deforestation and toxic gasses. Some subject matters I will explore are oceans, animal cruelty, toxic wastes, pollution and deforestation. Within my art I will be showing and representing my subject matter that/ the negative effects that happen within our environment.