
Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Agriculture Essay:

Agriculture Essay:

Farming today and in the 10,000BC are very different technology wise. Since then a lot of things have changed and has improved the way farmers produce food. Agriculture is a topic that is about the revolution of farming and how things have changed/improved throughout the years. Around 12000 years ago a lot of the equipment used was good but not as efficient like the old tools took more energy and effort than the machinery nowadays.

Machinery nowadays is completely different and more efficient than back in the day. People really don’t realise how lucky and well off we have it now with farming machinery. Back in 10,000BC you had to manually do things and it took a lot more effort. This matters because it’s crazy to think how much things have changed and how it has improved the world. Because if we didn’t have the advanced technology we have things would take longer and the amount of people being fed would decrease dramatically. For example in the U.S on famer is able to feed 155 people a day but back in around 1960s one famer could only feed 26. I could only imagine what it was like earlier than that, but it is a privilege and a blessing we have evolved and made farming better and more efficient.

A Plow or Plough depending on how you want to spell it is a tool that has been used for many many years. A plow is a tool/technology that helps turn and soften soil up ready for seeds to be planting. The evolution of the plow is quite impressive because the first and earliest plow was made out of digging sticks fashioned with handles for pushing and pulling dirt to soften. By roman times light wheeless plows with iron blades were made for the topsoil of the Mediterranean region but could not handle the heavier soil for other places/regions like the northwestern of europe. Around the 18th the addition of the moleboard which is a more advanced plow was made which you could already guess the impact that made to the farming industry. In the mid 19th the black prairie soil was really testing the strength and power of the original plow which made many think of making a more advanced one. American mechanic John Deere finally made the all steel moleboard, the new moleboard had a lot more advantages than the old one. The molebaord was a three wheeled plow that is powered by a gasoline engine. With this new piece of machinery/equipment it has made farming a lot better. The new advanced plow has made farming more productive and efficient than having to do it manually.

Now onto the sickle, the sickle is a tool that is used to harvest crops like corn and many other things. The sickle is one of the most ancient tools to exist and many still to this day use it. The many reasons for that is because it's more affordable but the only downside is that it takes a lot more effort and time to harvest. The sickle is a long sharp blade hooked fitted with a handle if it makes it any easier to imagine in your head it looks a lot like the reapers sword. The Sickle can go back to times that pre-date the Neolithic Era (18000-8000 BC). As years went on many different types of sickles were made with small adjustments to them like the change in what the sword/blade was made out of and the design of it. But in 1825 in Scotland an inventor reverend Patrick Bell’s design of the reaper machine. The reaper machine is still used to this day and is basically the same as a sickle but is a lot bigger and pushed by horses. By 1860 the combined machine was made exactly like the reaper machine but took a lot more power and effort to run which meant more horses were needed. As the years went on the combined machine was re-made with the same concept but built in a way that is more convenient and efficient. Around the 1980s electronics were put into the mix of the combined harvester which meant they could finally put an engine and make the machine a lot more powerful and efficient. As you could imagine when the first engine powered combined harvester was made a lot of people would have been happy and it would have helped the farming industry dramatically. It also would have made them a lot of money with the amount of crops they were planting and harvesting.

I would say it's pretty incredible with what we can accomplish now then what we could back in the day. I feel like we really take for granted what we have and that we should really look at things we have as a blessing. It's really cool to think about how technology can help and how it has impacted the world in many ways like farming ect.

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