
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Marshmallow Catapult Shooter:

 Aim- To make a marshmallow shooter and work out what forces are acting on it.


  • paper cup
  • Scissors
  • Balloon
  • Marshmallow


Cut the bottom of the cup

Cut off the neck of the balloon

Stretch the open end of the balloon over the bottom of the cup.

Place marshmallow in the cup

Pull balloon back to the marshmallow

When the marshmallow was in the cup all the forces (Thrust,Friction,Gravity and Support) were even as it wasn't moving. Once we started to to add force to it friction was made for example we used the forced drag when pulling back the end of the balloon where the marshmallow was inside. Once we let go of the balloon and the marshmallow thrust and friction where made to make the marshmallow fly far distances. The force gravity and support where also used in this experiment because help drag the marshmallow to help slowing fall and drop to the ground. 

I felt like this little experiment was really fun and worked pretty well although next time I would probably use the top of the balloon instead of the top. But apart from that mine worked pretty well but the problem was I lost most of my marshmallows.  


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