
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Know Your Place:

 Know Your Place:

In Social Studies we were asked to make a prezi answering questions that were about Christchurch and Canterbury. The reason for this was for us to one use a new app/thing to create and share our work which was prezi and two learn a bit more about Christchurch and Canterbury. I was sadly away for the first lesson so I started later hints why I did a lot less work than others in the class. I was able to answer 4 questions, I tried my best to make it look good and I tired to list as much information as I could.

My Prezi 


I learnt many different origins for south island city's, for example I learnt that Canterbury is named after the ecclesiastical mother. The most interesting thing I learnt/researched was Hornby High's history and how it started. I think next time I really could of used the app prezi more and add things like pictures and other cool things to make it look more appealing.

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