
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Character Paragraph: Ellie

 Character Paragraph: Ellie

One of the important moments for Ellie is When she returns home to a different world. After a camping trip in ‘Hell’ Ellie and her friends arrive back to empty homes. She is scared and confused by the fact that everyone is gone. She becomes distraught when she realises that her dogs have been attacked.  This is a key moment because Ellie realises that there might be a war on. The impact of this moment is the realisation that something very serious has taken place.This moment shows the reader that Ellie is understanding that something larger has begun. Ellie’s reaction makes the reader think about war and invasion and how we would react in similar circumstances. For instance a quote in the novel that shows Ellie has changed is “It was hard for me to believe that I, plain old Ellie, nothing special about me, middle of the road in every way, had probably just killed three people” pg 95. This shows Ellie has changed because she notices and reflects back to the old her. With this quote she is basically saying that the old her would never think about killing people but with the circumstances she is facing it's all about survival. All this information basically concludes that Ellie has changed a lot whether that be physically or mentally this also shows she is a very important character in the novel Tomorrow, when the war began.

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