
Monday, February 10, 2020

Critical Literacy

Critical Literacy:

 Critical Literacy is when you apply critical thinking into Critical Literacy.

Bias: Picking one side over another. 

Source: Where you got the information from. 

Credible: A Person you can trust and what everything they say can be believed. 

Authority: Someone who has power or respect from people. 

Reliable: A source of information that can be trusted by others 

Perspective: The way you or someone see something. 

Agenda: Your intentions.  

Manipulate: When someone convinces you to change your opinion or choice.

Text:Something that contains information and meaning.

Construction: The process of building something up. 

Representation: Something you show with meaning. 

Stereotype: A standard that is normally not correct/reliable.

Inclusion: Welcoming things into something. 

Exclusion: Not including someone in something.

Masculine/Feminine: A formal way for saying the genders. 

Critical Literacy Cross Word:
For an extension task we were asked to make a cross word or a mix n match about Critical Literacy word showing that we understand what they mean. I have decided to make a cross word and this is how it turn out. 

What am I learning: We learnt the meaning/understanding of Critical Literacy words that we  frequently use in English.

How dose this show my learning: By making a cross word puzzle with the meaning of some critical literacy words.

What am I wondering. In what way  I am going to use these in my writing?

1. How are children, teenagers or young adults constructed in this text?
2.  How are adults constructed into the text?
3. What kind of of person, and with what interests and values, composed the text?
4. How does the text depict age, gender and/or cultural  groups?

1. Who is Missing from the text?
2. What has been left out of the text?
3. Whose view are excluded or privilege in the text?
4. Who is allowed to speak? who was quoted?

1. How else could the text have been written?
2. What does the text mean?
3. Why is the text written this way?
4. Who benefits from the text?

Putting  it into practice:

We watched a little clip that was made in the 70's that portrayed Females to be perfect and have no fun. They were made out to clean everything in the house and make sure everything is in its place. While Males are portrayed to look manly and strong. The male's in the text mowed the lawns and did all the quote "Manly jobs" that Females were no allowed to do.

The next clip we watched was from the musical Legally Blonde. The way that this text was made to be seen is a Female being dominant. Not needing any men in their life, being able to do the same things they do but better. 

Putting it in to Focus:

We then watched two clips that were about dunk driving both clips are framed to be about young adults.  The first clip was about Young adults drinking at a party and then driving without thinking. The conclusion of driving without thinking he crashed and made his friends died. Since he didn't keep sober he lost his best mate.

The second clip with kinda the opposite but not their still drinking but this time the so called "Sober Friend" didn't end up driving because his friend convinced him it  wasn't a good idea. The conclusion of that is they are still alive healthy and happy hanging out with the same friends and everyone is safe. 

Is The Text Fair?

I don't think both are because it is mainly based on young adults and not realistic. Not only is it based on young adult its based around Young Adult Boys.  I feel like not all boys party and drink unresponsively.

How have the Young Adults constructed  in this text?

They have made the Young Adult look stupid and irresponsible. They have made it look like we aren't smart and we look dumb. 

How does it represent gender and cultural groups?

I think they are sexist and only represent boys that are Maori/Islander. The women are used for to look pretty in the background and distract the boys.

Why is the text written this way?

It is presented to scare you and not be tempted to drink and drive. That drink and driving can be a thing that can cause something serous to happen like death.

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