
Friday, February 28, 2020

Athletics Training:

So today for P.E we were still preparing for athletics which is next week, Thursday. The events we did were shot put, sprints, and javelin. In our group was Aiden, Alesha, Alex, Kayla, Ian, and Rojan. We decided that our group goal was to have fun and support one another without being rude. The skills involved for shotput was how you were going to throw the shotput and how your posture is. After we moved to sprints/javelin the skills for spirits that were needed were how to start off (starting position) and the skills for javelin were how you throw it and the way your wrist goes after you have thrown it. Where to next is just doing the activities we need to work on for next week we all think this is going well so far and to take measurements so we can record results.

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