
Monday, March 2, 2020

Richard Pearse timeline:

Richard Pearse Timeline: 

1870: 3rd December 1877 Richard Pearse was born 

1880: 1883 Richard just finished primary school and want to study engineering at Canterbury College

1890: 1899 there was evidence he was working on ideas for power flight.

1900:1902 Richard built a workshop and was starting to designed a new style of bicycles.  

1906 he reported his first plane and was declared to be the first person to flight in the air until the wright brothers came along and stole all the spotlight. There are still myths today that people believe The wright brother flew first.

In 1903 He flew his first plane he built and made it up to 50 meters before crashing 

1910: In 1911 Richard moved to South Otago where he brought a farm 

1917 he caught a illness that made him not able to move back to New Zealand

1920:  1921 Richard moved to Christchurch where he built 3 house’s and a workshop

1930: 1930s set about to design and build his new utility plane.

1940: He was waiting patiently until 1943 in November where his utility plane was finally approved and was able to be used.

1950:  Richard Pearse was increasingly paranoid to the point where he had to admit himself to a mental health hospital. 

1953 Richard Pearse sadly died after having a heart attack on the 29th of July. 


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