
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Social Studies:

In social studies we were asked to make a Lawyer paragraph to explain how Iqbal lost him Human Rights and how Hussain Khan used indentured labor with using Economics.

Red: State you're Point.
Light blue: Why does it matter.
Green: Evidence.
Yellow: Sum up.
How Iqbal Lost His Human Rights: 

Iqbal’s Human Rights were quickly taken away from him at the age of 4
and he was placed into Bonded Labor. 

 This is important because since he was in Bonded Labor he was not able
to get an education and be social with other kids his age. 

Iqbal was forced into Bonded labor because his father owed money. 

The only way they could pay it off is if they were all slaves helping Hussian
Khan their “Master”.

 Iqbal would have to work everyday non-stop with only one break a day at lunch.

 That meant with no education Iqbal barely knew how to write and read.

Which in my opinion every kid no matter what should have the right to an 

Because of these reasons listed above is why Iqbal’s Human Rights were
taken away from him which is completely wrong. 

Economic: Using the concept Economics, write a paragraph explaining why Hussain Khan used indentured labor.  

Hussain Khan would force slaves (People who owed money and couldn’t pay it off)
to work for him. 

Hussain Khan would make so much money for using people against their
rights/will to work so they can pay off money that they owned.

This matters because children the age of 3 or 4 up were forced to make carpets
and work just for what their parents did. 

Young children that can’t even speak are having to do adults work
like making carpets. 

This isn’t right because they didn’t have the rights to an equation and even
worse they didn't have the rights to have fun like other kids their age. 

There was this kid called Iqbal, he was forced into slavery at the age of
4 because of his dad that owned money. 

Iqbal was assassinated in Lahore by a couple of others by someone
believed to be a feudal landlord and carpet manufacturer. 

Before Iqbal was murdered he tried multiple times to speak up on what
he believed in and even now people still think that was the reason he was
killed but no one knows for sure. 

In my opinion Hussain Khan took advantage of other people's family debt
and used it to make money for himself.   


  1. hi kayla i like you writeing of iqbal maybe next time you could make the words close together

  2. hello Kayla I like the way you write your paragraph next time you may put the words together,


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