
Monday, March 16, 2020

The Hunter Swoop:

The Hunter Swoop:

On the top left corner of this image is a bright water like blue sky with dell grey clouds,their also is a small nearly not visible snowy mountain in the distance. 

On the top right corner their is gigantic mountains that are covered in a very bright white substance called snow. In the sky it is full of mostly sad dell grey clouds that are spread all across the sky.  

Bottom of the image-  The dark grey road with bright sun like yellow lines was covered in ice, the amount of ice that was there was the equivalent of a ice skating rank.

Center of the image- An icy road that was as empty as a dessert, the road was so curvy and windy as if someone had scoliosis. 

Top Left Corner-  The horrifying old rotting trees stumble in front of my, the sky was like a horror movie foggy and mysterious looking.

Top Right Corner- I look a pond the distance all I see is old creepy looking trees that were made of sticks as their branches.

Bottom of the image-  Right in front of me was an old dirty pond that I could barely look through, The pond was reflecting the old creepy trees.

Center of the image- The old yellow leafs that had fallen on the ground from the rotting tree made the vibe feel Halloween.   

Top left corner- While the sky looked as calm as a pond, the clouds that surrounded were light grey looked kinda dell and boring.

Top right corner- The medium sized Mountain in the distance was surrounded by tall healthy looking green trees that made the scenery look very fall like.

Bottom of the image-  A very dell boring looking grey was the colour of the road, The bright yellow lines that interacted where you should be were directly in the middle and stood out so much.

Center of the image-  The Tyre marked road was the main attraction to the image, the yellow dead like grass surrounded the outside of the road with the tall green trees.

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