
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Sam Morgan & Peter Jackson:

Image result for trade me logo
Sam Morgan:

Where did Sam Morgan's interest in buying and selling come from?
Sam Morgan is the inventor of the well known New Zealand website Trade Me. The intention
behind Trade Me was to help people who needed to buy items for a cheap can. The reason
why Sam Morgan made this web site was because in 1999 he needed a heater. But he
couldn't find any cheap enough for him. The reason he wanted a heater was because of the
rainy cold days in wellington. Since he was a computer nerd he decided to search up online
but obviously there were no website’s made for what he wanted. To be fair he was only 23 and
was just trying to survive living in a small flat so he wasn’t so financially rich.

Describe the early days of Trade Me:
Trade Me at first was only a small website that had only 5000 users on it. Still that is a lot but
not enough to be able to pay the bills or be able to advertise the website. Sam Morgan thought
that his website wasn't gonna blow up. But then he sold up to half of the company to several
former Deloitties colleagues for around $75,000 to see if it would help in any way. Ever since
that the company/website has been blowing up ever since. Trade Me has also been
advertised in many places all over New Zealand and that's one of the reasons it was able to
blow up. But that only happened after they split the company. 

How did Sam Morgan turn Trade Me into a multi-million dollar enterprise?
Sam Morgan was able to successfully make a million dollar company because of all the
determination he had. Sam may have felt like he wasn't gonna make it or blow up but after
making some important business transactions with others he was able to blow up. Sam took
a bit to make the decision to split half of his company because he felt like it would be a
mistake. But after Sam made the decision it was the best move he had made in his life. Ever
since then business has been booming and now Trade Me is one of the biggest New Zealand

You have 10 minutes to make you’re own website or think of a new
website and explain what it is: 

My New Website: 
I'm thinking of making a website that is like Trade Me  but all that is sold on it is animals.
You may be thinking but you could just go to S.P.C.A. You could but on this website it would

be cheaper. There will also be a big variety of animals from all over New Zealand. 

Image result for Peter JacksonPeter Jackson: 

   Describe Peter Jackson’s early films.
With Peter’s early life he started making movies as a hobby/passion. Peter Jackson didn’t think
of it as a big deal, in a sense of making it such a high quality film. Peter thought of it as just
another thing to do in his spare time. He has always thought of making movies by himself that
were made with love, Peter always loved the feeling of  creating something new. Peter
Jackson used to just make films with the help of his supporting friend’s.  

Jackson is described as “one of the most powerful directors in Hollywood”.
What does that mean?
He is known to be “One of the most powerful directors in Hollywood” by making movies that
everyone will enjoy. Peter is known for putting his point across in a way that everyone is able
to understand. He actually makes movies that have a meaning behind them that are also

Make a list of films that Peter Jackson has been involved with.
Bad Taste,Meet the Feebles,Dead Alive,Heavenly Creatures,Forgotten Silver,The Frighteners,
The Lord of the Rings,King Kong and many more popular movies. 

Why do you think he has been successful? 
Because when you hear his name you instantly have an idea of what he does. I personally
love his movies and I know I'm not the only one that thinks that. I also think he is successful
for the way he produces/directs movies. He makes them in a way that  is interesting and
understandable for people. 

How does Peter Jackson benefit New Zealand?
He has made an amazing mark to our country and he never fails to show the true side
of New Zealand. He helps people know who we are and also helps people from other countries
to visit. He has also made many amazing movies that a lot of people all around the world love.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic work Kayla. You have written some brilliant answers to the questions. I'm really impressed with the detail that you have included in some of your answers as well. A safe platform for buying and selling animals is a great idea for a new website too. Keep up the great work.


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