
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Science: Smoking


What does smoking do to your body?

A lot of smoker's smoke for the hit of nicotine, which is a chemical that activates in your brain when you inhale smoke. That would be why it is so hard for people to quit because nicotine is so addictive. When you smoke black tar is a subsistence that comes off of cigarettes and sticks inside your mouth. Black tar causes dark shading on your teeth and cavities to form that's why most smokers have no teeth or they look really rotten. When you smoke you blood tends to thicken which can cause risks of blood clots. Blood Clots are when the blood blocks up, it can slowly go to your heart if that happens then you are most likely to die. Smoking can cause eye sight loss and weaker bones. When it reaches your lungs you have a higher risk of infection.

Long Term Effects:

1. increased risk of strokes and infections in lungs.

2. Eye-Sight loss.

3. loss of sense of smell and taste.

4. yellow teeth, tooth decay because of block tar like substance and bad breath.

5. cancer of the nose, lip, tongue and mouth and many more.

Benefits of giving up:

As many people know smoking can be very addicting and hard to live without. That's why there are still a lot of smokers. But what most smokers don't know is there are many benefits with giving up. Many smokers don't realise this but even after an hour of quitting,things in your body already start to get back to normal.One of the benefits that happens literally 20 minutes to an hour after you quit is your heart rate drops and returns to normal. Another thing and most beneficial in my opinion is the decrease of cancer in your lungs,heart and many other places. Another benefit is even after a day the risk of heart attacks decrease. After 2 days you start to get your smell and taste back which is really good since it's a part of our four senses. Another benefit is your lungs slowly get better over time which means past smokers can finally breathe properly and do things without being short of breath. Also after like 2-5 months the hair like structures in your lung get burnt when you smoke so they get to slowly grow back healthy. Their hair like Structures help fight all the yuck mucus not building up so you don't get infections. It's said that after 15 years your heart rate and lungs get back to normal as if you were a non-smoker.

Is vaping any better:

Vaping is better than smoking but vaping is still bad then having nothing. Realistically it's better just to quit completely then vape. Vaping is better in a sense because there are less chemicals that affect you than if you smoked a real cigarette. But it is still really bad because vaping causes cancer and infections way more than if you had a normal cigarette. There were over 68 deaths that have been caused by vaping in the last 6 months. Also over 2,800 people have been hospitalized because of vaping. it may be cool to have a vape or to smoke but its really not good. It can cause you life problems for just trying to act tough and popular.

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