
Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Famous Scientist:

Image result for marie curieMarie Curie: 

What are they famous for?

Marie Curie is famous for discovering radiation/radium and how it works and also what effects it has. Marie was also part inventor of X-rays along side German scientist Wilhelm Roentgen in 1885. Marie Curie was the the first woman to win a Noble Prize. Adding to her first win in physics, she later earned one in chemistry, making her the first person to claim Noble honors twice.

Basic Information:
Marie is a youngest out of 5 kids she has three older sisters and one older brother. Growing up her parents always wanted their girls to succeed and be as good as their older brother. Sadly when Marie was 15 her mother sadly passed away due to tuberculosis. Ever since that day Marie was been using her mothers death as a blessing and wanted to do her mother proud by doing her best in school and completing her dreams/goals. A few years later Marie was able to join a university that allowed girls, at the age of 17 moving away just to be able to attend a university was pretty scary for her. She had her doubts about it but once giving it her best ability she was accepted. The teachers that taught her were impressed of the skill and knowledge she had. After studying a but more she moved to Paris and was awarded to be professor for Alexandrovitch university. After a few years she meet her long life partner Pierre Curie. They both were scientist and were able to discover radium,radiation and the effects they have. After discovering radium Marie was able to help Wilhelm Rontgen with inventing X-rays.  

What effects did he have on science today?
Well if it wasn't for Marie,Pierre curie and Wilhelm Rontgen a lot of medical scientist/doctors wouldn't have been able to discover anything like broken bones and fluid that may be around bones. Its not like they would have no way to find broken bones it would just be hard for them to see whats actually wrong like if it is dislocated or just broken or even just sprained.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow what an interesting research project. I had no idea who this was or what they had done. Thank you so much for sharing. Where did you get this information from? And why did you choose to research her?
    - Miss Morgan


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