
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Comedy Workshop: Session 3

Setting The Situation:

Part 1- Think a normal everyday situation where you are trying to get somewhere e.g getting to the bathroom, arriving to class, running to the bus stop. 

Aim: Getting to school

Part 2- Brainstorm all 10 things that could stop you getting there- make it crazy but believable.
1. Road/street blocked off
2. Ambulance/Someone getting hurt
3. Old person crossing the road
4. Car broke down
5. Traffic 
6. Fire 
7. Robbery
8. Ran out of petrol for the car
9. Having to help out with someone who has dropped all their grocery's  
10. Helping a animal of any choice cross the road without getting ran over.

Part 3-Select 5 of these, put them in order. Where are you starting? Where are you going? Write a couple of building sentences. 

On my way to school just about to leave the house to get in the car I see a group of ducklings crossing the road. But there was on way traffic coming so I quickly ran as fast as the flash to slow down the traffic so they could get over safely. After stressing for around 5 to 10 minutes they were all over safe and sound no injuries. Finally getting in the car realizing my Mum forgot to get gas so now panic starts to kick in because I have to walk all the way to school. I drag myself and walk all the way to the end of the street. I walk all the way near one of my local super markets I see this really old nice lady walking across the road. So I thought I would do a good deed and help you across the road. After helping her I continue walking at this point I forcing my legs to move as you can probably tell I don't normally walk unless I completely need to. Only a block left and I at school well that's what I thought until I saw a sign saying the street is blocked off. So I had to walked through a little creepy alley way and right art the end of that was my school. While I was walking I passed a nice man that had a lot of grocery's he accidentally fell and tripped I felt so bad so I help him pick all the things he dropped. After all them incidences I was finally at school I may have been 30 minutes late but I mean now I have a funny and good story to tell.

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