
Friday, March 6, 2020

Athletics Day:

Athletics Day/Training:

The past couple weeks in P.E we have been practicing for Athletics which was this Thursday. Each lesson we would work/practice on one event. I personally thought that Athletics would be boring but now thinking back I actually could say I had a lot of fun. Especially doing Javelin ( this was my first year doing Javelin). 

Javelin:  I have just started Javelin so I cant really say i'm a pro but I here to tell you what I have learnt. When you start off you want to learn how to throw the Javelin it doesn't matter how far it goes or if it lands. The Javelin needs to be help by your dominate hand. Then Wrap your fingers around the rope, make sure the Metal point is facing in front of you. When you throw its basically like throwing a base ball. First practice on throwing the javelin and making it make a mark. When you get better slowly start to take a couple of steps back for a run up. But when you throw you need to make sure the javelin isn't facing up into the sky or else it wont go that far or stick good. For Athletics day I did javelin competitively and was able to get 12cm. which was pretty good for my first year. 

Shot put: For shot put you need to put your hand without a shot put in it and work on your action. Then once you have perfected that you need to  do it with a shot put ball. When you throw you need to bend your knees and slowly drive yourself up. For athletics day I was able to get 4.5cm which was my best for far.

Long jump: The way you run up in long jump is you slowly run up at the start then getting faster by the end when your about to jump. When you jump you want to swing your arms up as you jump. 

Discuss: When you throw a discuss you want to make sure your fingers are wrapped around the discuss. You then swing,bend your knees and let go. I wasn't able to find out my result but I did pretty good. 

400M: When I was doing the 400M it was just my luck, there was a stick on the field and I rolled my ankle. But I pushed through and was able to come second which was pretty good. 

Image result for athleticsImage result for athletics

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